How digitalization will help property owners



The world is changing fast. Technology is advancing at a rapid pace and the internet of things (IoT) is making it possible to connect everything in our homes, cars, and offices to digital devices. We are also seeing more and more buildings being connected through smart building systems or using digital platforms for communication between people, buildings, and services. In this article, we will explore how property owners can leverage technology to improve their operations through the use of digital twins: virtual representations of physical assets that are either created by software applications or based on existing data sets.

It starts with creating a digital twin of the building or a whole portfolio.

Trimble scanning a building, image

The first step is to create a digital twin of your building or portfolio. A digital twin is a model that captures the physical and functional characteristics of an asset, such as its size, shape, and location.

This can be done using different methods: capture photos; use existing models; use computer-generated 3D models; use laser scanners/sensors to measure dimensions at different points on an object, or even use drones to collect high-quality images from aerial perspectives.

Accurate and reliable data sets are at the heart of creating digital twins.

Team of people discussing the data base using graphical charts, image

Data is collected from sensors and other sources analyzed and interpreted, stored in a database, and used to create a digital twin. This process can be automated through machine learning algorithms that can recognize patterns from the collected data set. The goal of this analysis is to provide property owners with accurate and reliable information on their properties so they know what needs fixing or upgrading before it becomes a problem. Once this information has been collected over time, you’ll be able to use it as a basis for making decisions about your property—whether that means deciding whether you should invest in new windows or hiring someone who knows how things work inside your home without having any idea what they are doing!

Digital twins can be used to support sustainability initiatives within an organization or company.

Office building covered in plants, image

Digital twins can be used to support sustainability initiatives within an organization or company. For example, digital twins can help facility managers make better decisions about sustainability by helping them reduce energy consumption and waste management. This is because digital twins provide information on how different parts of a building operate together, including the location of each component and its temperature. They also show how much power certain equipment uses over time, which allows owners to shift their attention away from wasteful activities such as air conditioners that never turn off when they're not in use (or worse: never turn on).

Information is invaluable for owners who want to reduce their carbon footprint while improving overall efficiency across all areas within their portfolio—and it's not just about making money anymore!

A digital twin allows the owner to keep track of their building’s performance.

Digital twin data of a building, image

A digital twin is a representation of your building that allows you to keep track of its performance. It allows you to see how your building compares with similar properties, industry standards, and historical performance data.

A digital twin can be used for several purposes:

1. To help improve energy efficiency by reducing the cost of operations or improving reliability;

2. To help reduce operating costs by identifying opportunities for new business processes or equipment upgrades;

3. To provide better customer service by enabling staff members outside the building to access information about tenant needs in real-time (this includes things like temperature control settings)

Digital Twin can help property owners cut CO2 emissions

Graphical representation of earth balancing oxygen and carbon dioxide, image

Using a digital twin is a great way to reduce CO2 emissions. Digital twins are virtual representations of physical objects, like roads and buildings, that can be used for planning and management purposes. They help assess the impact of changes in land use on transportation, energy consumption, and waste management—and they do this without having to take into account all the factors involved in these processes (such as weather conditions).

When you invest in a digital twin, you can measure exactly how much CO2 your building produces or how many kilometers you drive on public roads each year; you'll also be able to see how much money will be saved by reducing energy consumption through better insulation or using less electricity at home during winter months.

Digital twins help facility managers improve their workplace operations

Managers having a discussion on workplace operations, image

Digital twins are a virtual representation of property assets and machinery, which you can use to monitor the performance of equipment. This can be done through sensors that measure temperature, humidity, and pressure in addition to other factors such as light intensity or movement. The data from these sensors is streamed back to an analytics platform where it's processed by algorithms that allow facility managers to gain insight into their workplace operations—including energy consumption patterns across different parts of their buildings or even whether there's any unusual activity going on within them at all!

  • Facility managers can use digital twins to optimize maintenance schedules and practices, leading to efficiency improvements and cost reductions.

Facility managers can use digital twins to optimize maintenance schedules and practices, leading to efficiency improvements and cost reductions.

Digital twins are used by facility managers to determine the most effective way to maintain their facilities. For example, they may want to schedule regularly scheduled maintenance tasks during off-peak times when it's less expensive than during peak hours. Digital twins can also help facility managers identify potential problems with equipment or processes before they occur so that workers can be trained on how to deal with them effectively in advance of an emergency situation occurring (e.g., a pipe breaking).

  • Facility managers can take advantage of predictive maintenance for enhanced productivity and reliability.

Predictive maintenance is a maintenance technique that uses machine learning to predict when equipment will fail. The result is greater efficiency, improved reliability, and increased uptime.

Predictive maintenance can be applied to any type of machinery in your facility: HVAC systems, water softeners, pumps, boilers—the list goes on. In most cases, this approach involves creating a model that predicts how much wear or downtime each piece of equipment will experience over its lifetime based on variables like usage or operating conditions (such as temperature). If an issue arises with one piece during its service cycle but not another one nearby it may be because there are differences between them in terms of handling energy inputs from other sources such as solar panels or wind turbines which create different levels of vibration depending on where they're located within the building itself!

  • Facility managers can optimize their energy management efforts by using a digital twin.

Energy management is a key component of sustainability, and it's also an area where digitalization can help. Energy management systems (EMSs) can be used to reduce the environmental impact of a building by optimizing the use of energy resources and reducing waste.

A digital twin is an ideal solution for facility managers looking to improve their energy management efforts. Instead of relying on manual processes or paper records, they can create a digital version of their facility that includes all relevant information about its operations and assets through sensors in-building or remotely via mobile devices such as tablets or wearables like Fitbit Inspire HR Wireless Tracker Wristband - Black/Grey New Product!

Digitalization has many uses for property owners and facility managers. It can help them improve their workplace operations, optimize maintenance schedules and practices, optimize energy management efforts and take advantage of predictive maintenance for enhanced productivity and reliability.


So, if you’re a property owner or facility manager, digitalization might be the answer to all your prayers. It can help you take advantage of more efficient operations, reduce maintenance costs and improve energy efficiency. In fact, since it is internet-based technology that makes this possible, we believe that there are many more benefits for property owners to come. We just hope that this article has given you some insight into what digitalization means for your business and how it could benefit you.


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